Frequently Asked Questions

Shipping Information

What Shipping Methods Are Available?

We can ship UPS or FedEx.  US shipping only.

How Long Will it Take To Get My Package?

It usually takes 2-3 business days after an order is shipped to receive items.

How Do I Track My Order?

Visit the order tracking page or feel free to contact us.

Do I Need An Account To Place Order?

Yes. During checkout you can create an account and tell us any details about yourself, your organization, or project.

Other FAQs

What is a Wish Cart?

A wish cart is similar to a shopping cart.  Add items to your wish cart to request these items for your ministry.

Is There Any Cost to These Products?

Most items are provided on a first come, first need basis.  Many items are provided at no cost, except for shipping.  We will not charge you anything without telling you.

Who Runs

This site is run by the Technical Production Department of Church of the Highlands.

How Do I Place an Order?

Add items to your cart, provide the requested info, and we will let you know if your order is approved.

Who Should I Contact if I Have Any Questions?

Send us an email or reach out through our contact form.